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Installing an SSL Certificate means you secure the communication between your web server and visitor’s browser. SSL Certificate works with encryption and decryption technology where public and private keys ensure data is secure because the holder of the private key is the only one can read the data or message. Everyone can choose this digital certificate Indonesia based on their digital security needs. If you never install it before, you may wonder how to choose the right one for your website. Do you wonder the differences between single, multi-domain, and wildcard certificates?

Before you add SSL Certificate to your website security, you should determine whether you want to secure only one domain or multiple domains. Perhaps, you also need to consider the security of your sub-domains. If you still get confused and can’t decide the best one, let your SSL provider helps to pick the best SSL product for you. You can first read this article which talks about Single, Multi-Domain, and Wildcard Certificate. After you know the differences between those three types, you can go to buy SSL Certificate Indonesia to secure your website.

Single Domain Certificate

Single Domain Certificate protects one domain name only. For instance, if you buy SSL (Secure Socket Layer) with the hostname in the common name filed as www.sslcerts.co.id, it won’t protect mail.sslcerts.co.id or other domains. This rule applies to all SSL Certificate types although you plan to buy Extended Validation such as DigiCert EV Certificate. Usually, small to medium-sized businesses use Single Domain Certificate since they just manage a limited number of domain and subdomain security needs. Compared to another type of SSL Certificates, standard or single Certificate is the cheapest choice.

How does Single Domain Certificate work? As the name suggests, Single Domain Certificate works for exactly one domain name listed in your Certificate Signing Request (CSR). You must generate CSR for a domain name when you buy SSL Certificate. Your certificate can secure both www and non-www domain.

Multi-Domain Certificate

This certificate is also known as Subject Alternative Name (SAN) and Unified Communication Certificate (UCC). It allows for multiple domain names to get protected with a single certificate. When issuing this certificate, you have to clearly define all of the domains that they want to cover. When Internet users try to access website protected by Multi-Domain Certificate, the browser then check the certificate to see if URL matches one of domain name contained within. The browser will establish a secure connection to the server if it finds URL matches the SAN name.

Wildcard Certificate

If you want to secure even unlimited sub-domains of your primary domain, Wildcard Certificate can be the best choice. DigiCert, Entrust, and other reputable Certificate Authorities provide certificate product which meets your sub-domain security needs. To get your Wildcard Certificate issued within minutes, RapidSSL Wildcard Certificate is the best product. It is known as a Domain Validation Certificate by which the validation process is simple and fast. Certificate Authority requires only the proof of domain ownership through email verification to issue your certificate. However, you must know that the Wildcard Certificate works only for one primary domain name. To be able to secure sub-domains within many domain names only in one certificate, you can buy Multi-Domain Wildcard.

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Product Rating System

Your guide to select the best product

At SSLCerts, we always try to satisfy our customers, so we rate our products for you. First of all, we list the product based on their type/category of the certificate. Then we make a color code to make interpretation easier. Finally, we make a rate for the products in each category based on some SSL factors, features, and benefits.

Rating Factors :

  • Brand Power/Recognition
  • Encryption Strength
  • Issuance Speed
  • Site Seal
  • SAN
  • Reissuance
  • Price
  • Warranty
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Server Licenses
Categories Color Code
Domain Validated (DV) Certificates
Organizational Validated (OV) Certificates
Extended Validated (EV) Certificates
Wildcard Certificates
Multi-Domain/UCC Certificates
Code-Signing Certificates
Anti-Malware Products