Penyedia SSL Certificate dengan harga transparan!

Pernahkan mengalami rumitnya berurusan dengan SSL/TLS Certificate? Kami menjadikannya lebih mudah!

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Various Products

Jenis SSL Certificate


Validasi Extended

EV adalah cara mudah menampilkan kredibilitas pada website. Green Bar akan membantu mengidentifikasi website dengan mudah.


Validasi Multi Domain

OV lebih ditujukan pada infrastruktur IT Anda. Sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi perangkat IoT.


Validasi Organisasi

Saat Anda ingin segera masuk ke dunia internet, solusi tercepat adalah menggunakan SSL dengan jenis DV.

Tipe SSL Certificate

Single SSL

Sertifikat ini disebut dengan Basic/Single SSL karena sertifikat ini dirancang dan berfokus pada pengamanan satu domain utama yang Anda miliki.

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Multi Domain

Sertifikat SSL alternatif untuk pengamanan domain/subdomain berbeda (multiple domain).

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Sertifikat SSL yang ideal digunakan untuk mengcover setiap sub-domain yang Anda miliki pada domain FQDN tanpa batasan jumlah

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Multi Domain WildCard

Sertifikat SSL terbaik sepanjang masa yang mendukung 2 tipe sertifikat SSL sekaligus yaitu Multi-Domain dan Wildcard di dalam sebuah SSL Certificate.

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Benefits of SSL / TLS

Encryption and Privacy

Build Your Privacy

Saat berjelajah internet dan bertransaksi pada internet, privacy adalah lebih dari segalanya. SSL/TLS menjadikan privasi Anda begitu berharga, sehingga informasi yang Anda berikan termasuk aktifitas Anda pada internet akan lebih terlindungi

Build Your Privacy

Saat berjelajah internet dan bertransaksi pada internet, privacy adalah lebih dari segalanya. SSL/TLS menjadikan privasi Anda begitu berharga, sehingga informasi yang Anda berikan termasuk aktifitas Anda pada internet akan lebih terlindungi

Build Your Privacy

Saat berjelajah internet dan bertransaksi pada internet, privacy adalah lebih dari segalanya. SSL/TLS menjadikan privasi Anda begitu berharga, sehingga informasi yang Anda berikan termasuk aktifitas Anda pada internet akan lebih terlindungi

Organizational Reputation & Credibility

Validate Your Identity

Your organization is identified by the emails, documents and applications that you send. Cybercriminals frequently intercept and embed malware in these types of assets and allow the recipients to unknowingly

Demonstrate Identity Everywhere

Your organization is identified by the emails, documents and applications that you send. Cybercriminals frequently intercept and embed malware in these types of assets and allow the recipients to unknowingly

Establish Identity For All Your IoT Devices

Your organization is identified by the emails, documents and applications that you send. Cybercriminals frequently intercept and embed malware in these types of assets and allow the recipients to unknowingly

Protection of Your Brand

Post A Trust Seal on Your Website

Concerns about payment security are always on your customers’ minds. This is exacerbated by the growing prevalence of cybercrime; in fact, in 2017 almost 20% all shopping cart abandonment was due to payment security concerns

Guard Against Unintended Certificate Issuance

To capitalize on an organization’s trusted identity, malicious actors— both internal and external—will sometimes attempt to obtain a trusted certificate from a third party Certificate Authority (CA) on behalf of

Check For Blacklisting

If you have a security issue with one of your domains you risk losing the trust of your customers as well as your domain being blacklisted. Having a certificate management solution that includes a blacklist checker not only simplifies

Manage Your Infrastructure Security

Verify User and Device Identity

Within an enterprise, employees, contractors and partners use all types of devices to access sensitive information via corporate networks and applications. The lack of proper user or device authentication may result

Discover and Automate

Lack of visibility is a top challenge many organizations face in managing their certificates. It’s why many organizations operate without knowing if all their certificates are valid and is one of the largest contributors to the

Integrate Security with Devops and Business Communications Seamlessly

Lack of visibility is a top challenge many organizations face in managing their certificates. It’s why many organizations operate without knowing if all their certificates are valid and is one of the largest contributors to the

Simplify Digital Certificate Administration For Enterprise It

Many enterprises rely on highly complex certificate management environments. This uncertainty has pushed growing numbers of businesses to the proven security of PKI to safeguard their sensitive assets.

Value Added Service

Layanan Instalasi

DV merupakan jenis sertifikat yang sangat mudah dan cepat proses validasinya karena hanya memerlukan kelengkapan...

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Dukungan Pertanyaan Teknis

OV merupakan jenis sertifikat yang memiliki kualitas 1 tingkat di bawah Sertifikat EV SSL, namun sertifikat ini...

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Penawaran Harga

DV merupakan jenis sertifikat yang sangat mudah dan cepat proses validasinya karena hanya memerlukan kelengkapan...

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Payment Method

Bank Transfer

Purchase Order

Virtual Account

Credit Card


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