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Frequently Asked Questions

 The following are questions customers frequently ask. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more info.

All About SSL

What Is SSL?

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer which is a security protocol that works digitally in securing data exchange process on the Internet network, especially on websites. Websites that use SSL have encrypted data so it is not easy to read by unauthorized parties. Original data can only be read by those who have the authority to prevent data theft.

Websites that use SSL will look different from websites without SSL especially in getting treatment from Google. Google will prioritize websites that use SSL. Websites without SSL will be marked as not secure.

What Is the Most Trusted and Secure SSL?

There are many SSL certificate products in the industry but each product has a different security level. All SSL products come as security solutions, but you can choose an SSL certificate with the Extended Validation validation type if you want to choose the most secure and trusted one because it has the highest level of encryption. The Extended Validation SSL Certificate displays a Green Bar in the Address Browser which indicates that your website is safe and trustworthy.

How Can I Display Green Bar?

Do you want to make your website appears with Green Bar? The green bar is an indication that your website is safe, where every website visitor can find out the details of your SSL certificate. To display the Green Bar, you can choose an Extended Validation (EV) Certificate. Green Bar can increase customer confidence and trust so that your business reputation goes to be better.

What to Know About 256-bit Encryption and How to Use It?

For ordinary people, it might sound a little complicated when talking about encryption. However, install Encryption on an SSL certificate is important so you should pay attention to it. So far, many SSL certificate users use 256-bit encryption.

A bit is the length of the result of encryption while encryption itself is a process of shuffling information into numerical forms so that irresponsible parties will find it difficult to read it. Plain text or data that has not been encrypted performs the function of an algorithm in order to create a piece of encrypted data. The algorithm here is called a key including a private key and a public key. These two keys then act as a medium for both encryption and decryption. The private key creates an encrypted cipher-text and uses the public key as the key when decrypting text. Make sure you keep and keep the private key secret. This is to prevent burglary or data theft.

What Is the Difference Between 256-bit, 1024-bit and 2048-bit?

You may be familiar with 256-bit encryption. However, you should also know that the key length of encryption varies. Besides 256-bit, there are also 1024-bit and 2048-bit. What makes all three different is the level of security. All three are the strengths of the private key (private key). The higher the bits of the private key, the safer your data will be. 2048-bit is a new standard in the industry that is needed during the generation process.

What Does Make SHA-1 and SHA-2 Different?

SHA stands for secure hashing algorithm, namely cryptographic security. What distinguishes SHA-1 and SHA-2 is the result of HASH and the length of the signature bit. Keep in mind that SHA-2 is an improvement from SHA-1. The SHA-1 bit length is 160-bit while SHA-2 is 256-bit. For a maximum configuration level, use SHA-2 in issuing SSL Certificates.

What Is Domain Validation Certificate?

Domain Validation (DV) Certificate is a type of SSL certificate that has the easiest and fastest validation process. The validation process only requires completing the requirements in the form of proof of ownership of the domain that you will protect. All you have to do is approve your email domain registrant. Within just a few minutes, an SSL certificate will be issued but it depends on your willingness and ability to do approval on the domain registration sent to the domain email registrant.

What Is Organization Validation Certificate?

Organization Validation (OV) Certificate is a certificate with high-quality assurance. For each validation process, this type of certificate requires a fairly complete set of requirements. Usually, the certificate is validated in 3-7 days but still depends on how quickly the user gives a response including completing the requirements.

What Is Extended Validation Certificate?

Extended Validation (EV) Certificate is the highest quality and trusted certificate. Since this certificate provides the highest level of encryption, security, and trust in the identity of your organization or business, the certificate validation process is quite strict. Company or organization identity documents are required. The validation process of the EV Certificate is about 7-14 days but can be even faster because it depends on the user’s response, especially in providing required documents.

What Is Single/Basic Certificate?

Single/Basic Certificate is an SSL certificate that will secure your domain separately. In other words, if you want to secure another domain, then you have to buy a new certificate. Each domain or sub-domain must have its own certificate.

What Is Multi-Domain Certificate?

Multi-Domain Certificate is an SSL certificate designed to secure multiple domain names (FQDN) in one Certificate file. With this certificate, you can easily manage multiple domains in an SSL. Compared to buying SSL separately, multi-domain saves you more time, energy, and money. This certificate type can also be called Subject Alternative Name (SAN) or Unified Communication Certificate (UCC).

What Is Multi-Domain Wildcard Certificate?

Multi-Domain Wildcard Certificate is an SSL certificate that gets used to secure the sub-domains without any limitation. You can choose multi-domain wildcard if you want to secure all sub-domains of several different main domains. This SSL provides many choices so you can choose it even when you use SSL with domain or organization validation (excluding EV).

What Is Wildcard Certificate?

Wildcard Certificate is a certificate that has the ability to overcome the security of several sub-domains. Certificate Authority (CA) usually issues an SSL certificate with a common name (CN) * .namadomain.com. You can secure as many sub-domains as possible because this SSL certificate does not limit it. Additionally, if you add sub-domains, there are no additional fees. This makes you save more money for security purposes on each sub-domain of the application you have.

What Is Code Signing Certificate?

Code signing is one of the digital certificates used in executable applications for desktop and mobile devices. With code signing protection, applications can avoid unwanted actions that may be carried out by irresponsible parties. With this, an unauthorized party can’t make changes after the application is released. Aside from that, code signing also becomes an application publisher’s identity to avoid error or warning notifications. This problem usually occurs because an application is unknown when it gets installed by users both on desktop and mobile devices.

What Is Document Signing Certificate?

Document Signing Certificate is designed to secure various types of files to prove ownership. When a document is sent via e-mail or the internet directly, the document has been encrypted using a document signing certificate to prevent data theft by third parties. Document Signing Certificate can secure files and documents from Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, and OpenOffice.

What Is Website Anti-Malware?

Anti-malware websites are scanners used to prevent malware or viruses that threaten your website. Malware is rogue software and becomes enemy of any website. When malware infects viruses into websites, it can trigger small changes. It may make you face difficulty to detect in your source code. Typically, a virus from malware will attack the computer system of your website visitors which is certainly dangerous and annoying. By using the right tools, you can avoid malware. However, it is important to make sure you choose the tool from a well-known brand that has a trusted quality and good reputation.

What Is the Difference Between Wildcard or Multi-Domain Functionality?

When choosing an SSL certificate, you can choose Wildcard Certificate, multi-domain Certificate or another type one. If you want to distinguish Wildcard Certificate and Multi-Domain Certificate functionally, you should know that wildcards secure all of your sub-domains without additional costs for each additional sub-domain. While Multi-Domain Certificate gives you the convenience of securing multiple domains but make sure you save the domain name in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field. Any additional domains or sub-domains come with additional costs but affordable.

How Long Is Validity Period of SSL Certificate?

It is important to know the validity period of an SSL Certificate. You can prepare yourself to extend the SSL certificate that your website needs. The validity period of an SSL Certificate is 1 to 2 years.

Which Certificate Authority Does Have a root CA that is already available in the browser?

All brands that we provide have become trusted root CAs that already exist on each device and the latest browsers. In other words, all the brands we offer will run with almost 100% browser compatibility support.

Authentication and Validation

What Are Document Required to Buy Domain Validation (DV) Certificate?

Because the validation process of Domain Validation (DV) Certificate is fast and simple, the Certificate Authority only needs proof of domain ownership rights.

What Are Document Required to Buy Organization Validation (OV) Certificate?

You must provide required documents which relates to the legality of company or organization.

What Are Document Required to Buy Extended Validation (EV) Certificate?

For the EV certificate validation process, the Certificate Authority requires the completeness of your company’s legality documents.

Managing SSL Certificate

How Do I Add a Domain to Multi-Domain Certificate or SAN?

If an SSL certificate has been issued, you can add or change the domain through the certificate re-issuance process. However, if it has not been activated, additional domains can be made during the activation process.

Belum paham apa itu SSL Certificate?

SSL Tools

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dalam memasang dan mengkonfigurasi SSL.

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Product Rating System

Your guide to select the best product

At SSLCerts, we always try to satisfy our customers, so we rate our products for you. First of all, we list the product based on their type/category of the certificate. Then we make a color code to make interpretation easier. Finally, we make a rate for the products in each category based on some SSL factors, features, and benefits.

Rating Factors :

  • Brand Power/Recognition
  • Encryption Strength
  • Issuance Speed
  • Site Seal
  • SAN
  • Reissuance
  • Price
  • Warranty
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Server Licenses
Categories Color Code
Domain Validated (DV) Certificates
Organizational Validated (OV) Certificates
Extended Validated (EV) Certificates
Wildcard Certificates
Multi-Domain/UCC Certificates
Code-Signing Certificates
Anti-Malware Products