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Well, SSL Certificate Indonesia is a nice topic to talk about since it enables you to secure your website and sensitive data involved. Digital security is a concern for those who maintain an online presence. If you run an online business or use the website for a profitable purpose, you may install the SSL Certificate. Do you get it from the company that sells DigiCert Certificate?

Digital security is not all about SSL Certificate. It is good to know about PKI even more if you love to get the number of SSL Certificate installation benefits. Did you know what PKI is? PKI or Public Key Infrastructure is a set of policies and procedures to establish an exchange of secure communication. Go to read this article if you wonder how it comes to the security industry, here are few important things to know.

PKI Security Features

For your information, PKI has become a standard approach to security implementation in the industry. PKI provides the following security cornerstones, so it emerges as the foundation for internet security and secure electronic commerce.


When an organization opens its door to the Internet, authentication becomes crucial because it verifies the identity of users and machines. With a strong authentication mechanism, people or machines are trusted as entities.


We often talk about encryption but are not really sure what it is and how it works in the security industry. Encryption is an algorithm used to secure communications and make sure the data’s privacy sent from one computer to another.


PKI proves that specific users performed a certain operation at a given time since it is used to provide non-repudiation through digital signatures.

These elements work together in a combination to provide a secure, non-breakable environment to deploy e-commerce and a reliable environment to build virtually electronic transactions.

PKI Component

PKI has main components as follows:

  1. Digital Certificates

A digital certificate is an electronic “password” allowing a person or organization to exchange data securely over the Internet using PKI. It is also known as a public key certificate. Some people also call it an identity certificate.

Public Key and Private Keys

These keys form a PKI basis for secure communication in accordance with a secret private key and a mathematically related public key.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

SSL is known as an Internet-standard secure protocol that is developed by Netscape. It is used for secure transmission over a network by creating a secure link between web servers and browsers.

Certificate Authority

Certificate Authority (CA) is a trusted entity that doesn’t only issue an SSL Certificate but also manages digital security and public keys used in securing communication. There many CAs in the world but not all of them have a good reputation. To ensure that your certificate is issued only by trusted CA, you can consider Symantec, DigiCert, Entrust, or Sectigo.

Advantages of PKI Approach

Even though PKI has been in the security industry, it doesn’t take the place of all security technologies. However, it comes with many advantages, such as:

  • Public Key Infrastructure is a standard-based technology
  • You can choose the most trusted provider
  • PKI is scalable, so no authentication servers of the third party need to be online
  • It is implementable in such a way as to enable single sign-on even though it is not a single sign-on service.

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Product Rating System

Your guide to select the best product

At SSLCerts, we always try to satisfy our customers, so we rate our products for you. First of all, we list the product based on their type/category of the certificate. Then we make a color code to make interpretation easier. Finally, we make a rate for the products in each category based on some SSL factors, features, and benefits.

Rating Factors :

  • Brand Power/Recognition
  • Encryption Strength
  • Issuance Speed
  • Site Seal
  • SAN
  • Reissuance
  • Price
  • Warranty
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Server Licenses
Categories Color Code
Domain Validated (DV) Certificates
Organizational Validated (OV) Certificates
Extended Validated (EV) Certificates
Wildcard Certificates
Multi-Domain/UCC Certificates
Code-Signing Certificates
Anti-Malware Products