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GeoTrust Certificate

GeoTrust is a trusted brand in the world. The proof is the number of customers have reached 100,000 in more than 150 countries. With a fairly affordable price in the world market, companies and businesses from all walks of life can use it. Although this certificate is quite affordable, the security level will meet your needs.

Each certificate is known as high-level product because of SHA-256 hash algorithm. You can choose one of products as security solution that enable you get certificate product with perfect browser compatibility. The customers across the world are both small businesses and large enterprises. This means that you can choose GeoTrust regarding of the type and size of your business.

Why Is GeoTrust the Best Choice?

Small and medium businesses need other ways to increase conversions and sales. These can be started by securing the website and convincing customers who can do transactions on your website safely and comfortably. The use of SSL/TLS Certificate will protect the sensitive data of each visitor and customer. There are so many benefits if you choose SSL/TLS Certificate from GeoTrust. This Certificate Authority offers the most complete packages at affordable price. Benefits of choosing GeoTrust:

Increasing Customer Trust

Trust is valuable and difficult to obtain. There are so many competitors on the market who also run businesses through websites. If your website gets safe and protected, then customers will trust you because they feel safe whenever they have to share their sensitive data on your website.

Increasing Conversion and Sales

The security of a website affects customer trust. This also contributes to an increase in sales and conversions. The more people believe in website security, the greater the chances that they will make transactions on your website.

Protecting Sensitive Data

Security of sensitive data is another important point that must be considered when using a website for the transaction process. Website visitors and customers do not want their sensitive personal data to be known by unauthorized parties. With encryption technology, SSL/TLS Certificate secures every sensitive data of your customers.

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Product Rating System

Your guide to select the best product

At SSLCerts, we always try to satisfy our customers, so we rate our products for you. First of all, we list the product based on their type/category of the certificate. Then we make a color code to make interpretation easier. Finally, we make a rate for the products in each category based on some SSL factors, features, and benefits.

Rating Factors :

  • Brand Power/Recognition
  • Encryption Strength
  • Issuance Speed
  • Site Seal
  • SAN
  • Reissuance
  • Price
  • Warranty
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Server Licenses
Categories Color Code
Domain Validated (DV) Certificates
Organizational Validated (OV) Certificates
Extended Validated (EV) Certificates
Wildcard Certificates
Multi-Domain/UCC Certificates
Code-Signing Certificates
Anti-Malware Products