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What’s in your mind when talking about digital security? Do you wonder how digital security turns to be something crucial? Nowadays, many people go online for any purpose. You already know that the vulnerabilities can threaten you anytime and anywhere, even when you access a website or use email.

Email is used for personal or business purposes. Unfortunately, we don’t know how to stay secure when using it. The number of emails sent and received will always increase time by time. That’s why it is important to understand the right way of ensuring that email is secure. For security purposes, you can benefit from the presence of Email Signing (S/MIME), one of the SSL Certificate products available on the market. S/MIME stands for Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. With it, you can secure your email with encryption technology.

Here are five reasons why email security must be a priority, especially for your business.

Trust is everything in today’s increasingly digital world

When it comes to long-distance communication, you may use email for several reasons. However, you always ensure that the emails you receive are the safe ones from the intended parties or person. What’s about the emails you sent? You must want the recipients to know the emails are from you without any doubt and question. Now, you can digitally sign your email, so no parties can change your email. It means that the recipients are intended people only.

Email security can help you avoid the risk of business

When talking about email security, encryption is, of course, another important component, right? Just imagine if you send emails without encryption! Anyone can have access to information on your email. Simply put, someone can intercept, read, or even change the content of an email. Then, he delivers it and uses your name or organization as the sender. Such an issue seems like a quick way to reduce trust and reputation. So, do you still doubt to choose S/MIME for your email security purpose?

Email encryption helps you protect confidential information

Confidential information is crucial to secure. Fortunately, you use S/MIME to ensure that the content of your email remains safe, especially if it is about confidential information such as details of credit card or bank account numbers. With the use of email signing, you prevent your business at risk.

Signing emails can detract identity thieves

Once people hold your personal information including your username and password, they can use it to send an email that looks it is from you. Thus, it causes serious issues. If you digitally sign your email, phishing emails won’t exist because the email recipients can differ your email from false emails.

Securing email means reducing compliance risks and associated fines

There must be rules and regulations designed to protect the consumer’s personal information. Sure, many businesses should adhere to it. By securing your email, you can reduce compliance risks and associated fines.

For your information, S/MIME (Email Signing) is based on asymmetric cryptography that uses a pair of a private key and a public key to protect your emails from unwanted access. In today’s digital security world, S/MIME is the most common email security protocol used. Get in touch with us to get S/MIME for your email security need.

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