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The simple way to check whether the website uses SSL Certificate Indonesia is to check HTTPS instead of HTTP on URL. HTTP stands for The Hypertext Transfer Protocol wile HTTPS having additional S which means secure. It is important to understand the basic why HTTPS is better than HTTP for your website and for your SEO. Good online experience tends to involve a trusted third party and good encryption whether you are being a website user or its owner.

HTTP is a system used for transmitting and receiving information across the Internet. Its focus is on how information is presented to the user. It doesn’t really care how data gets from point A to point B. While HTTPS is the protocol for securing communication between two systems (browser and web server for instance). HTTPS is identical to HTTP because it follows the same basic protocol, but it offers an extra layer of security since it uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to move data. HTTPS is HTTP for all purposes but is known as a secure version. SSL Certificate is a product you can purchase and install on your server while HTTPS is the result of installing the best SSL Certificate on the server. In other words, a website with SSL Certificate always comes with HTTPS which indicates a secure website. Below are common advantages of having a website with HTTPS:

Keeping Your Website Secure

Google prefers sites with SSL Certificate because it is trusted. This becomes one of the reasons why you should switch to HTTPS. The secured website provides the user with a guarantee that the website will encrypt their data or information for extra security level. Sure, website security is one of the advantages of having HTTPS. There is a misconception about HTTPS which some people may believe in. That is the website that handles sensitive communication is the only website that needs HTTPS. In fact, unprotected HTTP requests may also reveal information about user’s identities and behaviors.

Letting You Enjoy Better SEO

Those who take advantage of HTTPS already know how it can help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is a process of improving search engine rankings. SEO is important to your online visibility. Take SEO seriously if you want to get a high ranking position. People will find your website easily if you are in that position.

Boosting Trust of Customers

These days, it is easy to feel worried about data theft. People input even their sensitive data when they do any transaction on certain websites. If your website is recognized as a secure website, people will be confident which means they start to build trust. They will feel confident and even enjoy visiting your site more and more. This is your great chance to turn them into potential buyers or even loyal customers.

You always have an option to keep your website with HTTP or to provide HTTPS so internet users will be confident to visit your site. For HTTPS, you even have a chance to save money by choosing affordable SSL Certificate which is provided by third parties which are known as SSL Certificate providers. A quality SSL Certificate is issued by a trusted Certificate Authority, such as Entrust or DigiCert.

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Product Rating System

Your guide to select the best product

At SSLCerts, we always try to satisfy our customers, so we rate our products for you. First of all, we list the product based on their type/category of the certificate. Then we make a color code to make interpretation easier. Finally, we make a rate for the products in each category based on some SSL factors, features, and benefits.

Rating Factors :

  • Brand Power/Recognition
  • Encryption Strength
  • Issuance Speed
  • Site Seal
  • SAN
  • Reissuance
  • Price
  • Warranty
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Server Licenses
Categories Color Code
Domain Validated (DV) Certificates
Organizational Validated (OV) Certificates
Extended Validated (EV) Certificates
Wildcard Certificates
Multi-Domain/UCC Certificates
Code-Signing Certificates
Anti-Malware Products